“Snow Knees” On The Beech Forest Trail In Provincetown On Cape Cod?

There are some really cool trees on the Beech Forest Trail in Provincetown.  In Colorado, we used to call them “snow knees” as the snow would come down the mountain and cause many of the trees to bend from the weight and ice. Many ended up just growing this way.

I’m sure these “snow knees” are not caused from snow and ice, but they are pretty cool, nonetheless!

Have you ever seen these trees on the trail?

One thought on ““Snow Knees” On The Beech Forest Trail In Provincetown On Cape Cod?”

  1. From The Cape Cod National Seashore

    “The Beech Forest, located in Provincetown, offers a glimpse of the original arboreal landscape of Cape Cod. When the Mayflower landed in the early seventeenth century, much of the Cape was covered in pine-oak forests and groves of hickory, red maple, birch and beech trees. Over the next two hundred years, settlers cleared nearly all of these forests. Due to the Beech Forest’s low-lying position, it was spared from logging. It is the sole remnant of beech forest on the Cape. ”


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