Bluebirds Love The Mealworms At Our Home On Cape Cod!

We hadn’t seen any Bluebirds in the past couple of weeks so we decided to put out some dried Mealworms to see if we could entice them to come to our feeders. We’ve tried the Mealworms a few times in the past, but all they seem to attract are the Blue Jays who will gobble them all up in seconds. But, why not?

I put them out and within 10 minutes we had about 15 Bluebirds trying to get to them. It was awesome! This photograph is where one Bluebird was there alone enjoying his Mealworms, when another Bluebird flew in thinking that they could share the bounty. Fat chance! This guy scared him away in seconds!

But, we had so many Bluebirds on our feeders yesterday, it was totally incredible! I loved the Goldfinch on the left watching the whole thing. Too funny!


One thought on “Bluebirds Love The Mealworms At Our Home On Cape Cod!”

  1. So glad you pointed out the goldfinch; he looks like he’s wisely waiting for an opportunity!

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