Nauset Beach On Cape Cod Uncovered

We took a ride to Nauset Beach the day before yesterday’s storm and were surprised to see this cement structure protruding from the sand. It looks like part of a septic system that has surfaced from the eroding beach. Does anyone have any other ideas?

You can see where the little viewing platform used to be in the top left of the photograph. That was taken down after the last big storm in January. Now there is just a little fence.

It will be interesting to see what the beach looks like in the next day or two. We are supposed to get 30 foot waves. Wow!

It is truly amazing what Mother Nature is capable of!

2 thoughts on “Nauset Beach On Cape Cod Uncovered”

  1. A cement foundation for a viewing station support beam? Probably not, because there should be more of them, one for each beam…
    Hope you’ve survived the storm!

    1. I think it’s too far away from the platform. Yes, we survived but lost 4 more trees. Just bought a chain saw. No power since yesterday. Unbelievable! 78 mph winds!

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