Iconic Tree At Fort Hill On Cape Cod is Down From The Huge Storm This Weekend!

The beautiful, hundreds of years old, iconic  tree at Fort Hill on Cape Cod has fallen. How  very sad. We were shocked to see this beauty down. It has graced the landscape of Fort Hill, part of the National Seashore,  for many, many years.

We stopped at Fort Hill again this morning and the owner of the house and the “tree” was outside. We expressed our condolences. She said she was having “Visiting Hours” for anyone who wanted to stop by.  🙁

Unbelievable what Mother Nature can do! What  storm!


3 thoughts on “Iconic Tree At Fort Hill On Cape Cod is Down From The Huge Storm This Weekend!”

  1. These scenes are impressive, scary, and sad–all at once. As for the tree, at least it didn’t hit the house!

    1. We just went back to Fort Hill and met the owner of the house and tree. She said she was outside having “Visiting Hours” for the iconic tree.

  2. April 26, 2018. I just saw it today, huge tree, knocked over after living hundreds of years. Emotions: shocked and disappointed, then annoyed at mother nature, like pulling a surprise joke, or actually, the laws of physics, because past hurricanes didn’t fell it(remember hurricane Bob?). The soil was weakened by too much rain in January and February, as I was told. Indeed these winds were the highest speed winds I have ever witnessed here on Cape Cod. Then a feeling of being glad it didn’t touch the house, as it was a North-Easter. The scene reminds us to count our blessings. A huge feeling of luckiness is now evident there, in plain view! And that feeling seems to have equal weight as the feeling of loss has. Good Luck dismantling it, phew.

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