The Baltimore Orioles Are Back On Cape Cod!

This  is such an exciting time on Cape Cod when the birds start migrating back for the summer. We always take bets on when the colorful Baltimore Orioles will arrive as they are some of our favorites. They are magnificent and so much fun to watch as they weave their intricate nests and then raise their young.

There is still one Baltimore Oriole nest left from last summer. It was just amazing how many huge trees fell down in our yard from the many ferocious winter storms and that nest just hung on.

We had just  taken a long walk yesterday on Coast Guard Beach. It was in the mid 80s and glorious! And when we got home I looked out the window and there he was… a Baltimore Oriole at our bird bath. Love it!

PS I won the bet!! 🙂

6 thoughts on “The Baltimore Orioles Are Back On Cape Cod!”

  1. He’s beautiful! And another welcome sign of–well, it’s more like summer today than spring!

  2. That sure is one stunning Baltimore oriole, Mel! They are gorgeous!
    So happy they have returned to the Cape and so happy you are finally enjoying some warm weather!

  3. I live in Centerville and was wondering if Orioles could be enticed into my back yard, if not nesting, maybe just hanging around…

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