Biking has always been popular here on Cape Cod but it seems like this summer it has exploded. There are bikers everywhere…. maybe because there is limited parking at the beaches, people have taken to their bikes.
I took this photograph at Nauset Light Beach a few days ago. The bike racks were packed with people enjoying a walk or a day at the beach.
It was a gorgeous day to paddle Nauset Marsh. It is ever-changing from day to day and from high tide to low tide. It was high enough that we were able to paddle on the salt marsh by Coast Guard Station without getting stuck in low tide. (Click on blog link for other photo.)
We had a wonderful paddle in our kayaks around Nauset Marsh from Goose Hummock the other day. It was a gorgeous day, with blue skies and a nice breeze. A nice respite from the hot and humid weather that we have been having lately. (Click on blog link to see other photo.)
We saw several seals swimming in the waters near Nauset Spit, which we have seen for the past couple of years. It wasn’t until we started to paddle back via another route that we heard this very loud cacophony which sounded just like seals. As we got closer we could see a sandbar that had hundreds of seals lazing about. Wow! We were shocked… that there were so many seals there so far from the spit and not very far from Town Cove. When did that happen?
Has anyone else seen all of these seals on the marsh side of Nauset Spit?