Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Great Blue Heron Fishing On The Salt Marsh Trail On Cape Cod

I love that the Great Blue Herons hang around here  in the winter. They must be able to find enough food in the salt marshes and the coves and bay that do not freeze over in the winter.

This Great Blue was fishing in a little pond by the side of Nauset Marsh along the Salt Marsh Trail in Eastham. Looks like he is ready to catch lunch!

My favorite bird! I love it! So beautiful…

Dark-Eyed Juncos In Our Yard On Cape Cod

We have seen a lot of Dark-Eyed Juncos in our yard here on Cape Cod this winter. They love to feed on the ground; I have never seen one at one of the feeders. They scavenge from what is dropped from the bird feeders or find their own food.

Dark-Eyed Juncos are  grey with  a darker hood and a white belly. They have a pink bill and dark eyes and white edged on their tails when they fly. They scurry around so fast it is often difficult to take a photograph. This little guy was hunting around on my deck for some food and happened to look up at me as if to say, “Look what I found!”

Still Lots Of Ice On Cape Cod Bay

After the rains last weekend, I could finally take a walk to Boat Meadow Beach on Cape Cod Bay and walk a little bit, between the ice chunks, on the beach.

As I looked out on the water, I saw these Seagulls all on top of the ice on Cape Cod Bay. They must have been looking for a place to rest so they picked this big iceberg! It just struck me as  a photo that should have  polar bears, not seagulls!

Rare Pine Siskin At Our Bird Bath On Cape Cod

I was so surprised to see this Pine Siskin at our bird bath the other day. I checked with our Bird Checklist for Cape Cod and saw that they are rare but regular in this area at this time and usually hard to find. That was pretty cool. We used to see a lot of them in Colorado, but not here on Cape Cod.

A Pine Siskin is a small finch which has  a brown-streaked body with yellow patches and two white wing-bars on its wings. Its tail also has small yellow patches.

Have you ever seen a Pink Siskin? Pretty little bird…