Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Lots Of Seals Off Of Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

There are so many new and huge sandbars along Coast Guard Beach this summer, there is sure to be an influx of seals hanging around. That’s exactly what we saw as we took a walk down the beach at low tide yesterday. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

You could hear the cacophony of sounds coming from the seals, that somewhat resembled a chorus, before you could see them. They were just relaxing in the waves and singing away. They are quite entertaining.

Have you seen any seals yet this summer?

The Boardwalk On The Red Maple Swamp Trail On Cape Cod.

The boardwalk on the Red Maple Swamp Trail at Fort Hill is lush this summer. It’s a great hike over the swamp and you’re sure to see lots of wildflowers and hear the diversity of birds singing in the trees.

It’s one of our favorite hikes!

Eastham Chamber Of Commerce Is A Great Resource On Cape Cod!

I was so excited when I picked up  “Eastham 2020,”  a booklet published each summer by the Eastham Chamber of Commerce, and saw that one of my kayaking photographs was used on their “Things To Do…To The Beach” page. How cool is that? (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

Eastham 2020  is a wonderful resource  which includes everything that you might want to know if you are visiting Eastham: accommodations,  restaurants, shopping, beaches, biking trails, hiking trails, historic sites, maps, activities, etc. The list goes on and on. You can find the booklet in many locations around town.

Thank you, Jim. It was such a treat  to see my photograph included in Eastham 2020!






The Lobster Pots Are Going In At Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod.

The lobster-men were busy at work the other day putting their lobster pots in the water off of Hemenway Landing. You can see the truck with more lobster pots and the boat which is overflowing with lobster pots as they make their way through Nauset Marsh.

I can’t wait to have a Lobster Roll this summer!


The Lifeguards At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

There is no beach at high tide on Coast Guard Beach this summer so far,  so the lifeguards have their stand on one of the smaller dunes.

I took this photo from the walkway above. It looks pretty cool with the huge waves in the background, don’t you think?