Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Hiking The Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail In Wellfleet On Cape Cod.

It’s a great time of year to hike the Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail, part of the Cape Cod National Seashore. It’s been cool enough that there are no bugs! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It’s a great trail for the whole family as both kids and adults enjoy walking on the boardwalk over the swamp. Have you ever done this hike?

Mother Nature Has Been Very Busy This Week At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

It was such a surprise to see the work that Mother Nature did to Coast Guard Beach during the last storm. It was just incredible! (Click on blog link for other photos.)

The peat from the bottom of a very old kettle pond was unearthed by the recent storm. It is massive!

Even at low tide it was difficult to get past the monstrous pile of peat to walk on the beach. I’ll have to try again in the next day or two.



The Bridge On Nauset Marsh Trail On Cape Cod.

Nauset Marsh Trail is one of my favorite trails. It is always so pretty and there is so much to see. No matter how many times you hike over this bridge on the trail by the salt pond, it always looks different and always so pretty.

Have you ever hiked over this bridge?