Coast Guard Station was pretty spectacular after the snows over the weekend. I loved this photograph with those gorgeous clouds in the background. What do you think? (Click on blog link for other photo.)
I also love the drive from Coast Guard Station… so pretty!
Coast Guard Beach was just beautiful with its dusting of snow yesterday. The wind was still blowing and the waves were still cranking. (Click on blog link for other photos.)
We took an early morning walk on Coast Guard Beach after the storm a few days ago. It was just beautiful. Look at those clouds! It doesn’t get much prettier…
This Red-throated Loon was swimming around at Coast Guard Beach and diving deep for his food. I have never seen one before.He was there for quite a while.
This is a “Non-breeding Adult which is a small loon with a thin bill typically held horizontal. Non-breeding birds have more white on the neck and face than other loons.”
We had just taken a wonderful walk down Coast Guard Beach. It was just beautiful. And then we turned around and saw those ominous clouds… and hurried back before the storm was upon us!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.