“The Provincetown Carnival, created by the Provincetown Business Guild in 1978, is Ptown’s original Summer celebration of community, expression, and creativity. This weeklong festival attracts tens of thousands of guests from all over the world to enjoy parties, events, costume contests and the celebrated Carnival parade down Commercial Street.” (Click on blog link for other photo.)
The Carnival Parade is today on Commercial Street, so come by and enjoy the fun and festivities!
The big, blue chair is always a big hit in Provincetown. In the winter it sits outside the Town Hall and in the summer, it sits on the beach looking out toward Provincetown Harbor. It’s one of those “must-do photo ops.” Look at all of those boats out in the harbor…. just beautiful!
This was such a cool photo of the ropes and chains on this old fishing boat docked at MacMillan Pier. You can see that they have have been well-used over many years out on the water.
It was quiet on the causeway in Provincetown as the tide was pretty high. Did you know that the Causeway was built in 1911 to protect the coastline from shifting sand dunes? Now it is a popular destination for a rewarding hike!
Have you ever hiked the causeway to Long Point Light Station?