Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Contortionist Grackle At Our Suet Feeder On Cape Cod

The Grackles are pretty pesky in their persistence in getting our suet from the feeder. They will try anything and are often successful.

Phil thought he had a foolproof idea this time. He put an empty suet feeder under the full one so the Grackles and Blue Jays couldn’t jump up and get it. It worked for a bit…until this contortionist Grackle figured out how to get the suet…upside down!

Amazing, huh?

Beautiful Orchard Oriole At Our Home On Cape Cod

This gorgeous Orchard Oriole was on our jelly feeder this week a few times. I had never seen one before. What a treat!

One of my neighbors emailed me last week that they had an Orchard Oriole on their feeder to give me a ‘heads up.” A couple of days later, here he was at our feeder. He looks very similar to a Baltimore Oriole but with a much deeper orangish-red color. They also have a solid black tail, instead of an orange and black tail.

Beautiful bird, don’t you think?

Baby Bluebird Feeding In Our Yard On Cape Cod

We have so many baby birds in our yard, it is truly amazing. There are baby Bluebirds, baby Red-winged Blackbirds, baby Finches, baby Downy Woodpeckers, a baby Red-tailed Hawk, baby Baltimore Orioles, baby Sparrows, baby Chickadees, baby Robins, baby Catbirds, and a baby Red-bellied Woodpecker. Whew! Every time I walk outside, it sounds like a nursery with all of the babies chirping!

As Phil said, “We were doing fine with the seed and grape jelly until we had to feed all of the families… and some of them have 4 babies!” But, oh so much fun!

This little baby Bluebird was sitting on top of the bird feeder. Its mom had been feeding it seeds from the feeder. Well, this Baltimore Oriole flew in and the little Bluebird just opened its mouth expecting to get fed! Ha!

Adorable, don’t you think?

Baby Animal Shower At Wild Care In Eastham On Cape Cod!

Wild Care in Eastham on Cape Cod is a remarkable place in Eastham on Cape Cod. Their mission is:

“To help sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife through Wildlife Rehabilitation; to reduce the number of animals impacted by human activity through Educational Outreach; and to help protect the species and the ecosystems they represent through Advocacy and Conservation.”

Yesterday they had their annual “Baby Shower” for all of the little “wild ones” that they care for. It was so much fun! People brought things from paper towels to food to laundry detergent to gift cards for the center. I took this photograph at 10:30 and it was only the first 1/2 hour. Wow!

This is a photograph of the little Eastern Screech Owl named “Up-Up” that was brought to them in May.  It cannot fly so it will be there permanently and used for Educational Outreach programs in the schools and organizations.

What an adorable little guy, don’t you think?