Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Gorgeous Skies On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

Sometimes the early morning skies on Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore,  are just breathtaking. This one was exceptional! Look at those clouds!

We were walking down to Nauset Spit and saw that this huge log that had washed ashore. I thought… what a gorgeous photograph!

It doesn’t get much prettier! What do you think?


Lots Of Northern Bobwhites At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was one of those days when it was cloudy and cool enough to take a nice walk at Fort Hill in the afternoon. Usually it gets too hot by then. I thought maybe we might see some new wildflowers or perhaps, a butterfly or two. We most often see birds in the morning or evening, not in the middle of the day. (Click on blog link to see more photographs.)

Little did we know that we would see six Northern Bobwhites walking on the trail. Two at a time in 3 different locations. What a treat! We haven’t seen one yet this year but have frequently heard their call, “Bob-white! Bob-white!” I learned this call from my Dad when I was a little girl, as he was an avid birder and I have never forgotten it. It is so clear and so distinct!

Most of the time they were on the trail in front of us running down the trail while we tried to get a photograph. They were pretty quick. And just when we were giving each other a fist bump, we would see 2 more walking along the trail. It was really cool!

Have you seen a Northern Bobwhite this year? There are obviously quite a few at Fort Hill and they do like to walk the trails… with us! 🙂


Beautiful Pink Crown Vetch Wildflowers On Cape Cod!

As soon as I see the Crown Vetch wildflowers, I know that summer is really here! I saw these in the parking lot at the Visitors Center in Eastham and also in the parking lot at Coast Guard Beach.

Crown Vetch, a creeping plant, has bi-colored,  golf ball size flowers that grow in clusters at the end of stalks. They make lovely ground cover and are often planted to restore nutrients , especially nitrogen, to the soil. They grow on roadsides (or parking lots) from June to August, so you have plenty of time to see them.

So pretty, don’t you think?

Gorgeous White Wildflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod!

I had been watching this bud on the side of the trail at Fort Hill for a few days, taking a photograph of it every couple of days. I had no idea what it was, or even if it was a wildflower. The bud caught my attention; it was so pretty. (Click Blog link to see sequence of bud blooming.)

It finally bloomed and it is gorgeous! But I have no idea what it is. I cannot find it in any of my books or apps. Can anyone help me identify it?

Exquisite, don’t you think? Love the sequence of watching it bloom.