Tag Archives: Boat Meadow

Another Really High Tide At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod.

We took a ride to Boat Meadow a little while ago and were so surprised to see the tide so high. It even looked higher than a couple of days ago. There was no beach to walk on and the point where you walk out on the path to get to Rock Harbor was totally under water, as you can see in the distance. I’ve never seen that before.  Wow!

Three Seals At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod!

I’ve never seen a seal at Boat Meadow Beach, so I was very surprised when I looked out at high tide on Wednesday morning and saw three seals swimming about. They stayed for quite a while. I wonder if the high, high tide had brought them in closer to shore. I hope they left before low tide came…

And then yesterday morning, they were back again at high tide, swimming around by Boat Meadow.

Have you ever seen a seal at Boat Meadow Beach?

Beautiful Hike At Upper Boat Meadow On Cape Cod.

The Upper Boat Meadow Trail is such a pretty hike any time of the year, but especially in the fall. The colors were so pretty. It’s a fairly wide trail so it’s easy to hike and only about a mile long. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

I loved this photograph with the vibrant fall colored leaves on the ground. So pretty, don’t you think?

Have you ever hiked this trail?