Tag Archives: Cape Cod Hiking

Magical Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail On Cape Cod.

When you hike down to the boardwalk on the Atlantic White Cedar Swamp, you enter a magical place. The colors, the reflections, the ambiance of it all takes your breath away. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Have you ever hiked this trail? Pretty amazing, don’t you think?

Healthy Coyote Searching For Prey At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

I’ve seen many coyotes hunting for prey at Fort Hill but they were always pretty far away out in the fields. This coyote was so intent on finding lunch that he wasn’t paying attention to anyone walking by.

Beautiful animal, don’t you think?

The Red-Winged Blackbirds Are Back At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The Red-winged Blackbirds are back and noisy at Fort Hill. You can always hear their distinct “Cu-ca-ree” calls to each other as you hike the trails. They are so pretty and a sign that spring is almost here!

This guy was sitting on a fence post just singing away. Love his coloring… so bright and vibrant!

Still A Bit Of Ice On The Pond At Beech Forest Trail In Provincetown On Cape Cod.

The pond on the Beech Forest Trail in Provincetown is always gorgeous, no matter what time of the year. This view was so pretty with still a bit of ice on top of the water.

It’s always been a favorite hike for me. What about you?

Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod Is Always Spectacular!

This was another “picture-perfect” day to take a walk on Coast Guard Beach. It was just gorgeous with the sun’s reflection on the water. We were the first to walk the beach that morning… it is so cool when your footprints are the first footprints…