Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Great Horned Owl In Our Birdbath Here On Cape Cod


It was such a surprise to see a Great Horned Owl in our birdbath the past few mornings.  We thought it was the Red-tailed Hawk that lives nearby but we were mistaken this time!

We get up each morning early and look out our sliding glass door to the birdbath. Sometimes we see the hawk splashing away. We thought this was the hawk again. Phil got the camera and hid behind the wall and clicked away at the birdbath, without looking out the window. I sneaked into the other room to catch a glimpse of him without him seeing me. He flies away if he sees us now.

As I peeked out the window, this huge bird’s head rotated 180 degrees and looked right at me. Hmmm. I didn’t know hawks could turn their heads completely around?! A couple of minutes later he flew right by the window up into the tree and…. he had feathers all over his legs and feet. I didn’t know that hawks had feathers on their legs and feet?!


I went into our bedroom and got the camera and started looking at the  photographs that Phil took. It was a Great Horned Owl! Unbelievable! He’s been by for an early morning bath for the past 3 mornings! What a treat!!

We brought the photographs down to Mike at the Birdwatcher’s General Store and he couldn’t believe it! Wow!





Gorgeous Kingfisher At Goose Pond At The Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

It was a gorgeous day at the Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary on Cape Cod. We were ready for a nice walk and maybe a few bird photographs. We were treated to an array of many different wildlife photographs. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing.

This is one of our favorite’s! The mighty Kingfisher landed on the log out in the middle of Goose Pond and then something scared all of the birds nearby. They flew just as Phil was clicking away.

Pretty cool, don’t you think?

No Parking On Bridge Sign In Eastham On Cape Cod


I have seen this Red-tailed Hawk sitting on the No Parking on Bridge Sign in Eastham on Cape Cod many times. He must see a lot of little critters that would be wonderful prey from this perch.

I see him there so much that sometimes I even forget to look for him there. It is someone else taking a photograph that reminds me that he loves to sit there.


I was clicking away when this man walked up with a huge camera, wanting to know what kind of bird it was. He didn’t even get to take one photograph as he got too close and the hawk flew away.

Have you ever seen this Red-tailed Hawk on the No Parking Sign?


Beautiful Black And Orange Baltimore Oriole In Our Yard On Cape Cod

We have so many beautiful Baltimore Orioles living in our yard here on Cape Cod. They are such a vibrant colored bird and so pretty. They love to eat the grape jelly which I seem to replenish twice a day lately.

This guy caught my eye against the blue sky up in the tree in our backyard.

What do you think?