Tag Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Osprey Diving For Lunch At Wiley Park In Eastham On Cape Cod


It was a gorgeous day so Phil and I took a walk at Wiley Park in Eastham on Cape Cod. It felt like a warm spring day. We sat on the bench by the lake and watched the kayakers paddle by.


All of a sudden we saw an Osprey hovering above the water. I quickly got my camera out and clicked away.


He certainly got himself a nice big fish for lunch! And then flew away to the perfect spot to enjoy his meal.

Red-Tailed Hawk In The Tree At Our New Home On Cape Cod


We have seen a Red-tailed Hawk flying above our new home on Cape Cod and we thought it had a home nearby. Our landscaper took a great photograph of the hawk up in a tree near our front porch eating a snake. He said it was pretty awesome.

Yesterday we were working about on the house when we saw him in the same tree. I got lots of photographs with him sitting there looking for his next meal and him preening himself. It was pretty cool.


There are so many birds at our new home. We can’t wait to move in!

Beware Of The Birds Nesting Along The National Seashore On Cape Cod

The waist-high ropes are up and the yellow signs are up along  The National Seashore on Cape Cod so that people are aware of the birds nesting on the beach and in the beach grass.


The Piping Plover, Common Tern and Least Tern are shorebirds that nest along coastal sand and gravel beaches in North America. They are difficult to see as they blend in with the sandy beach habitat. Their nests are made on the sand and are also difficult to see.

I’m sure you will see some of these roped off areas this spring if you area walking the National Seashore on Cape Cod.  If you stop and look beyond the ropes you might see some of the shorebirds nesting on the beach.

The Song Sparrows Are Singing Away On Cape Cod

Ths Song Sparrows are back and singing away on Cape Cod. I saw this little guy in the bush at Fort Hill in Eastham by the Nauset Marsh. His music was so melodic.

Wishing you all a beautiful Easter and hope you can get outside in nature for a little bit today and enjoy all its beauty. Maybe you will hear a Song Sparrow singing to you too!

Beautiful Great Blue Heron At Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod

We were taking a little hike down to Coast Guard Beach along Nauset Marsh on Cape Cod when I saw my favorite bird out in the tall grass. This Great Blue Heron was standing there, pruning himself. Look at those feathers… just beautiful!

On our way back he was moving around and you could tell he was looking for a meal in the little tributaries coming out from Nauset Marsh.