Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Beautiful Red Berries On Cape Cod For The Holidays.

There are still a lot of red berries on the bushes and shrubs here on Cape Cod that you can see along the roads and trails while hiking. I saw these on the hike from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach. There were quite a few in some very tall bushes. I guess the birds have not eaten them all yet.

I thought these were so pretty, especially during the holiday season. What do you think?

Indian Rock At Skiff Hill At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The light was so beautiful on the carvings at Indian Rock at Fort Hill the other day. It almost looks like dusk, but it was in the middle of the afternoon.

Indian Rock was a “community grinding rock, one of four such rocks found in the Nauset area. The Indians used the abrasive qualities of the fine-grained metamorphic rock to grind and polish implements made of stone and animal bones, such as stone axes or bone fishhooks.

Indian Rock was originally located in the mud of the marsh below where it now sits on Skiff Hill. The National Park Service moved the 20-ton boulder to this site in 1965.”

(I posted the 2nd photograph with my mitten on it so you can see the huge size of this rock. It was also a completely different day as you can see  by the different lighting.)

What history!


Nauset Light Beach On Cape Cod Is Always Beautiful!

Nauset Light Beach, part of the National Seashore, is always gorgeous and ever-changing. We stopped the other day to take a look and you can see the little sandbars that have formed at low tide.
You can also see a huge crack in the dune in the forefront of the photograph.

I wonder what Mother Nature has in store for this winter?

Gorgeous Skies At The Salt Pond In Eastham On Cape Cod.

The skies were magnificent as we hiked the Salt Pond Trail, also known as Nauset Marsh Trail, the other day.  I took a horizontal photograph and thought that it looked pretty. The sky and clouds were spectacular.  And then I took a vertical one. Wow!

What do you think?