Tag Archives: Nauset Marsh

Perfect Picnic Spot At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

This is one of our favorite picnic spots… at Coast Guard Beach overlooking Nauset Marsh. There are usually some birds around and lots of wildflowers blooming nearby. It doesn’t get much prettier! And… you’re only a short walk to the beach!

Have you ever had a picnic here?

Spectacular Clouds Over Fort Hill Yesterday Morning On Cape Cod.

The clouds were absolutely gorgeous at Fort Hill yesterday morning. You could see the sun trying to break through between little bouts of rain as it reflected on the ocean way in the background.

It only lastly for a few minutes… and then it was gone.


Loading Up…Heading Out At Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was the day for these two fishermen to load up their oyster cages and bring them out to the waters of Nauset Marsh. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

We couldn’t believe how many cages they could load into their boat. Wow! So much hard work for these dedicated fishermen on such a cold and windy day.