Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Nauset Light Beach On Cape Cod Is Always Beautiful!

Nauset Light Beach, part of the National Seashore, is always gorgeous and ever-changing. We stopped the other day to take a look and you can see the little sandbars that have formed at low tide.
You can also see a huge crack in the dune in the forefront of the photograph.

I wonder what Mother Nature has in store for this winter?

Gorgeous Skies At The Salt Pond In Eastham On Cape Cod.

The skies were magnificent as we hiked the Salt Pond Trail, also known as Nauset Marsh Trail, the other day.  I took a horizontal photograph and thought that it looked pretty. The sky and clouds were spectacular.  And then I took a vertical one. Wow!

What do you think?

Loved This Great Blue Heron Stalking His Next Meal On Cape Cod.

The Great Blue Heron is my very favorite bird! I love its features and the majestic way it moves. We were walking the Salt Pond Trail and saw this Great Blue looking for his next meal.

Beautiful bird, don’t you think?

Still Paddle Surfing At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod!

There were several paddle surfers enjoying the glorious day at Coast Guard Beach a few days ago when temperatures were in the high 50s. This paddle surfer was catching some awesome waves from the off-shore breeze. Perfect day for surfing!

The Bridge To Coast Guard Beach From Doane Rock On Cape Cod.

One of my favorite walks is the one from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach, any time, any day. It is always spectacular!

I loved this photograph of the bridge looking back over Nauset Marsh. The colors were so pretty.

So pretty, don’t you think?