Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Nauset Beach On Cape Cod Was Gorgeous

We took a walk on Nauset Beach the other evening. It was just spectacular! You could see the clouds coming in for the storm, but the there were still some people enjoying their picnics before the sun was went down.

You can see the lifeguard stands high on the beach where a lot of sand has come back for the summer. The beaches look pretty big, even at high tide.

First Seal Of The Season At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

I saw my first seal of the season at Coast Guard Beach the other day. There were quite a few of them in the water, so the water must be warming up a bit. The latest I heard was that the water was 54 degrees. Brrrr…

Cute little guy, don’t you think?

The Wild Lupine Wildflowers Are Magnificent At Fort Hill On Cape Cod!

The Wild Lupine wildflowers at Fort Hill are magnificent this year! Last year was a very lean year for the Wild Lupine so it was a big treat to see them all blooming the other day.

Wild Lupine grows to about 20″ with elongated clusters of blue 1/2″ pea-flowers.

The Least Terns Are Nesting At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

The Least Terns were quite noisy as we walked by their roped off area on Coast Guard Beach. The nesting area is off limits to people and pets as the Least Terns and the Piping Plovers lay their eggs and raise their young.

This Least Tern looked so regal as he posed for his photograph!