Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Have You Seen The Gorgeous Trumpet Wildflowers At Fort Hill On Cape Cod?

The bright, orange Trumpet wildflowers at Fort Hill and the rest of the Cape are blooming and gorgeous. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Each flower looks like a small trumpet. They bloom on plants that grow as tall as a hedge and just as thick.  Have you seen these beautiful wildflowers on the side of the road at Fort Hill?


Beautiful Little Wood Satyr Butterfly On Cape Cod!

I hadn’t seen a Little Wood Satyr butterfly in a couple of years and this one was stunning. It  landed on a leaf on the side of the Doane Rock Trail to Coast Guard Beach.

The Little Wood Satyr butterfly lives on woodland edges as well as salt marshes, which explains why we saw it there on that trail.

Gorgeous, isn’t it? I love its markings…

Hot Pink Stork’s Bill Wildflowers Are Blooming At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The Stork’s Bill wildflowers have always been one of the first of the wildflowers that bloom at Fort Hill. But this year, they are just starting to bloom. I love their hot pink color that dots the sides of the trails.

Have you seen the Stork’s Bill Wildflowers at Fort Hill?