Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Dunes On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

The dunes on Coast Guard Beach have changed so much over the winter. You can see all of the dark brown undergrowth and roots that are now exposed. The clouds and sky were so interesting.

I edited the photograph in 2 subtle ways. I couldn’t decide which one I like better.  What do you think?

Nauset Beach At Low Tide On Cape Cod

I was so surprised to see how huge Nauset Beach was at low tide. It was immense, as you can see! There are a lot of sandbars so you really need to watch where you are walking for when the tide comes in, it doesn’t come straight in and you could get stranded on one of the many sandbars.

I will have to go back on a nice day at high tide and see how high the water gets on the beach. Stay tuned…

New Viewing Platform At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod

It was so nice to see a new viewing platform at Nauset Beach where Liam’s Clam Shack stood before the series of Nor’Easters crept up to its foundation this past winter. The town demolished the restaurant 2 weeks ago and has been busy bringing in tons of sand  to fill in the dunes. You can also see all of the beach grass that has been planted to help with dune erosion.

The parking lot is open. The beaches are accessible from either end and it looks like they are making lemonade out of lemons so that everyone can enjoy one of their favorite beaches, Nauset Beach, part of the National Seashore here on Cape Cod.

Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod Is Spectacular!

The weather for Easter is for a sunny day with warmer temps which is a wonderful welcome here on Cape Cod. I loved this photograph of Nauset Marsh where you can Coast Guard Station in the background. The colors of the water and the sky were magnificent!

Wishing you all a Happy Easter and may you find a few minutes to enjoy a little bit of nature….maybe and outside Easter Egg hunt??  🙂