Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Mysterious Animal On The Boardwalk At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

It was a cloudy, cold day and I decided to take a morning walk at Fort Hill before the rain started. Phil was home with a bad cold, so I was solo. I thought Red Maple Swamp Trail would be fun as it is in the woods and somewhat protected.

About 1/2 in on the boardwalk, I noticed some water and water tracks on the side of the boardwalk which then went down the middle of the boardwalk. Hmmm… I wonder what it was! The only animal I could think of was a Muskrat, but it would have to be  a pretty big one.

As I walked along, I saw the same kind of tracks a little ways down, but this was in a much dryer area.

Next time I go to the Visitor’s Center, I will be sure to inquire as to what animal might like the swamp waters at Fort Hill. Anyone have any ideas?