I love the early morning on Nauset Beach. It is just spectacular with no one around. Just me and the sand and the waves and the sea gulls. Doesn’t get much better…
Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore
Nauset Beach On Cape Cod Was Gorgeous Yesterday Morning
Seagull On Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod
The Clouds Were Coming In At The Salt Pond In Eastham On Cape Cod
Mysterious Animal On The Boardwalk At Fort Hill On Cape Cod
It was a cloudy, cold day and I decided to take a morning walk at Fort Hill before the rain started. Phil was home with a bad cold, so I was solo. I thought Red Maple Swamp Trail would be fun as it is in the woods and somewhat protected.
About 1/2 in on the boardwalk, I noticed some water and water tracks on the side of the boardwalk which then went down the middle of the boardwalk. Hmmm… I wonder what it was! The only animal I could think of was a Muskrat, but it would have to be a pretty big one.
As I walked along, I saw the same kind of tracks a little ways down, but this was in a much dryer area.
Next time I go to the Visitor’s Center, I will be sure to inquire as to what animal might like the swamp waters at Fort Hill. Anyone have any ideas?