Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

Lilies Of The Valley Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape Cod.

I am always so surprised to see so many Lilies of the Valley blooming by the side of the trails here on the Cape. I had always seen them in “gardens” and it is such a treat to see them growing wild here!

Have you seen any Lilies of the Valley on any of your hikes? Gorgeous little flower, don’t you think?

Lots Of Sand At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod.

There is quite a bit of sand at Nauset Beach that has washed in or gotten blown in over the winter. You can see how the middle hand railing in the first photograph, looking out toward the water,  is pretty much covered by sand. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

In the 2nd photograph which is looking back toward the parking lot from the water, you can see how deep the sand is. Wow!

Colorful Bobolink At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

It was such  treat to see this Bobolink land on the fence at Fort Hill the other day.  It was pretty far away but we were able to identify it and get a couple of photos. It was the first one that we’ve seen on the Cape and the first one that I’ve seen in many, many years. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

The male Bobolink sings a bright bubbly song while in flight starting with low reedy notes and rollicking upward “bob-o-link, bob-o-link, pink, pink, pink.”

I found this interesting tidbit on the internet: “The Bobolink’s common name originates from a poem written by William Cullen Bryant back in the late 19th century. William wrote about a bird he then called Robert of Lincoln. This name was shortened to Bob of Lincoln, and finally became the name it has today: Bob-o’-link.”

Have you ever seen a Bobolink or  heard its call??

It Feels Like Summer On Cape Cod!

What crazy weather we’ve been having! Two weeks ago I had my winter parka on with hat and mittens and today it’s warm enough to sit on the beach! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Yesterday started out cool and cloudy, but by 2:00 it had changed to sunny, hot and humid. I took a little bike ride and was so surprised to see all of the cars, and people, at First Encounter Beach. Wow! They were enjoying the first real sunny, hot day this season.

I guess it could be worse… one of my friends from the town where we used to live in Colorado was expecting 18-24″ of snow yesterday!