Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Black And White Photograph Of A Hiking Trail At Fort Hill On Cape Cod


I loved this black and white photograph of one of the hiking trails at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod. If you park in the first parking lot on the left before you go up to the overlook of Nauset Marsh, that trail will take you by these trees and on a wonderful hike through the meadows, swamps, woodlands and by the marshes.

It’s a must if you get to Fort Hill. Wonderful hike… not too long and absolutely spectacular!


Beware Of The Birds Nesting Along The National Seashore On Cape Cod

The waist-high ropes are up and the yellow signs are up along  The National Seashore on Cape Cod so that people are aware of the birds nesting on the beach and in the beach grass.


The Piping Plover, Common Tern and Least Tern are shorebirds that nest along coastal sand and gravel beaches in North America. They are difficult to see as they blend in with the sandy beach habitat. Their nests are made on the sand and are also difficult to see.

I’m sure you will see some of these roped off areas this spring if you area walking the National Seashore on Cape Cod.  If you stop and look beyond the ropes you might see some of the shorebirds nesting on the beach.