This was such a gorgeous sunset at Boat Meadow the other evening. I love the vibrant yellow and orange colors with the birds in the sky and the fishing boat out in the water.
The little cloud in the sky on the right almost looks like a fish swimming by.
The wind has been ripping the past few days, making for great kite-surfing on Cape Cod Bay. First Encounter Beach has been a popular kite-surfing spot with 8-10 surfers enjoying the wind and the waves.
We stopped at Boat Meadow Beach yesterday and this kite-surfer came by. Very cool, don’t you think? Look at those waves and those gorgeous clouds!
The weather has been so gorgeous the past few days we took our lunch over to Boat Meadow Beach to sit on the bench and haveĀ a picnic. (Click on blog link for other photo.)
As I looked out on the flats, I said to Phil, “Are those horses out there?” At first glance, it looked like the 3 Magi out in the desert.
It was another first for us as we’ve never seen horses way out on the flats. I was surprised they didn’t sink in more. Pretty cool, don’t you think?
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.