If you ever walk over the bridge on Bridge Road, stop and look over the side into the creek. You never know what you might see! (Click on blog link for other photos.)
Yesterday I was walking to the beach when I looked over and saw several Diamond-backed Terrapins swimming in the creek. They are so beautiful. I love it when they stick their little nose above water.
“Northern Diamond-backed Terrapins inhabit marshes which border quiet salt or brackish tidal waters. They can also be found in mud flats, shallow bays, coves, and tidal estuaries.”
Have you seen any of these terrapins swimming in the creek? It’s such a treat to see one… never mind several!
We frequently see coyotes at Fort Hill, searching about for a meal or just laying down basking in the sun. (Click on blog link for other photos.)
It was a quiet morning when we saw this coyote traverse the entire field and then stop in front of us to look out onto Nauset Marsh, as if scoping out the area for his next meal.
I thought they were just beautiful photos. What do you think?
It was such a treat to see our first Box Turtle this season walking up our driveway. It is so much fun to watch the Box Turtles as they meander through the yard, trying to decide the perfect spot to lay their eggs.
Hopefully, one of them will decide to make their nest in our yard. That would be so cool!
We were driving home from our picnic breakfast the other morning when we came across this deer on the side of the road. He was certainly enjoying the new spring growth of green leaves on the bushes.
He just looked at me, so I clicked. Beautiful deer, don’t you think?
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.