Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

Queen Anne’s Lace Wildflowers On Cape Cod.

Queen Anne’s Lace are such pretty wildflowers. The small, clustered flowers form a lacy, flat-topped head that look like a piece of lace… thus, the name Queen Anne’s Lace. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

When they have bloomed and are going to seed in the late summer, they are also called a “bird’s nest” as they fold up and look just like a birds nest.

They bloom from July through September, so you should still have time to see them.


Hikes For Everyone At Fort Hill On Cape Cod!

Fort Hill is one of our favorite places to take a hike. You can hike short, long, sunny, shady… just about anything on the trail. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Here are a couple of photographs of a sunny and shady trail. Both are  just spectacular! Have  you ever hiked at Fort Hill? #eastham

Northern Bobwhite At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

I’ve been looking for the Northern Bobwhite at Fort Hill all summer. I’ve heard his call of “Bob-white, bob-white,” but I haven’t been able to find him.

And then we drove up the road one morning last week and there he was… walking down the road. I was able to get a couple of photographs before he ran into the high grass.

Have you seen the Bobwhite at Fort Hill this summer? #eastham #forthill