Tag Archives: Salt Marsh

Great Blue Heron At Boat Meadow Creek On Cape Cod.

We were driving home the other night when I saw this beautiful Great Blue Heron out of the corner of my eye. He was standing on the banks of the salt marsh looking for dinner. I quickly drove home and got my camera. Luckily, he was still there a few minutes later.

The Great Blue Heron is my favorite bird…. so beautiful and elegant and regal. It always “makes my day” when I see “Blue” flying up in the sky…or sitting by the creek waiting for dinner.


It Snowed Here On Cape Cod!

We’ve had very little snow this winter here on Cape Cod. Yesterday when we woke up , there was  about 2-3 inches on the ground and I was hoping that the sky would clear and I could get a couple of “snowy” photographs.

Later in the afternoon I took these 2 photographs of the salt marsh by the Bridge Street bridge… one looking inland toward the salt marsh and the other looking out toward Cape Cod Bay

What do you think?