Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

Nauset Marsh Trail Pond On Cape Cod.

While hiking on the Nauset Marsh Trail, we always pass this little pond past the overlook. We haven’t stopped there in a while because I never think it is a good photo op.

And then Phil stopped there a few days ago to check it out and this is what we saw… so pretty looking out toward Nauset Marsh, don’t you think?

Indian Rock At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

It was a beautiful, sunny day at Fort Hill and the light on Indian Rock at Skiff Hill at Fort Hill was just beautiful. You can really see the carvings made by the Native Americans. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Indian Rock was a “community grinding rock, one of four such rocks found in the Nauset area. The Indians used the abrasive qualities of the fine-grained metamorphic rock to grind and polish implements made of stone and animal bones, such as stone axes or bone fishhooks.

Indian Rock was originally located in the mud of the marsh below where it now sits on Skiff Hill. The National Park Service moved the 20-ton boulder to this site in 1965.”

The Trails Are Starting To “Green-Up” On Cape Cod.

The trails on Cape Cod are starting to look more and more like spring with all of the leaves starting to come out. It’s so refreshing to see all of the color after winter when everything is so desolate.

Pretty trail, don’t you think?


Early Morning At Ballston Beach On Cape Cod.

“On March 9 of 2013 Atlantic Hurricane cut a 100-foot wide opening in the narrow barrier dune at Ballston Beach in Truro, on Cape Cod. Tons of seawater surged into the freshwater marshes of the upper Pamet River eventually reaching Route 6, and briefly turning the end of Cape Cod into an island.”

What an incredible story! I took this photograph from the summit above Ballston Beach on the Pamet Cranberry Bog Trail. You can see where the dunes were swept away and the water went inland.

Mother Nature always has her own way…