Tag Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

Fat-Tire Beach Biking Looks Like Great Fun On Cape Cod

I’ve seen a few of these fat-tire beach bikes on the beaches here on Cape Cod this winter. The tires are huge so that people can ride them in the sand. It looks like great fun and great exercise. And they can go pretty far!

I have no idea if it legal in the summer time, but it sure looks like fun off-season.

Ominous Storm Clouds Over Rock Harbor In Orleans On Cape Cod

It has been pretty frigid here on Cape Cod with low temps and gusty winds. We could see the waves through the trees the other day so we took a ride down to Rock Harbor in Orleans. It was so pretty.

I loved this huge black storm cloud that hovered over Rock Harbor and Wellfleet Bay.

Pretty cool cloud, don’t you think?


Little Snowman On Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod

Nauset Beach in Orleans on Cape Cod has been gorgeous lately, especially with the recent snow. I saw this little snowman that someone had made on the beach and thought it was so cute!

How often do you get to see a snowman on the beach? I’ve never seen one before!

Just precious!

Where Trees And Beach Meet At First Encounter Beach In Estham On Cape cod


As we drove out of the parking lot at First Encounter Beach in Estham on Cape Cod, I noticed the silhouette of the leafless trees against the sand dunes. I thought it was so pretty.

A few clicks later, this is what I got. What do you think?

o simple and so pretty…