Tag Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

It Was A Gorgeous Holiday Sunday At Coast Guard Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod!


Yesterday was one of the most beautiful days that I have seen here on Cape Cod! The trails were busy with bikers and hikers and the beaches were busy with people enjoying the spectacular day!

Some kids were even in the water! Amazing for October 11th, huh?

It doesn’t get much better than this!

Yellow Clouded Sulphur Butterfly In Eastham On Cape Cod


I’ve only seen 2 types of butterflies since we arrived here on Cape Cod a month ago…. a white one and this pretty yellow Clouded Sulphur butterfly.

It was the same species that I saw a lot of in Colorado.

So pretty, don’t you think?  Love his eye!

The Great Blue Heron Is One Of My Favorite Birds On The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod


The Great Blue Heron has always been one of my favorite birds, especially on Cape Cod. They are so majestic as they fly and are so elegant.


This Great Blue Heron landed on the salt marsh right by our new home.

It was fun to think that I can walk by these salt marshes each day when we move into our new home and, hopefully,  see a lot of different species of birds!