Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

Fall Kayakers At Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.

It was a perfect fall day to go kayaking at Nauset Marsh, part of the National Seashore. I loved the coloring with the sun on the tandem kayak and the deep blue water of the saltmarsh. You can see Nauset Spit in the background.

Pretty, don’t you think?

Cute Little Downy Woodpecker In Our Bird House.

This little Downy Woodpecker has been hanging out in the bird house outside of our bedroom window. We see him each morning as it starts to get light. I wonder if he’s been spending the night in there.

He is so cute when he puts his little head out the door and looks around. I love the feathers on his chin… it looks almost like a little goatee.

How cute is he?!


Pretty Fall Hike On Cape Cod.

The leaves are starting to turn here on Cape Cod. I loved the colors in this photograph on the John Kenrick Woods Trail in Orleans. Part of the trail goes through the White Pine woods and the other part goes down this trail to Arey’s Pond.

I couldn’t decide if I liked the horizontal one or the vertical one better. What do you think?

Hiking John Kenrick Woods In Orleans On Cape Cod.

We found some wonderful new hikes in Orleans on Cape Cod from the Orleans Walking Trails brochure that you can pick up at the Town Hall. They are all close-by and very different.

The John Kenrick Woods Trail was a pleasant surprise with trails through the White Pine forest. This tall, straight lumber was coveted for flagpoles, as well as spars and planks for sailing vessels in the 1800s. There are also more than 75 Chestnut trees on the site. It is the only location in Massachusetts where chestnuts are reproducing.

It was a wonderful hike, especially on a nice fall day. I love hiking on pine needles… so soft and quiet.