Tag Archives: Leica C-Lux

Pretty Pink Water-Willows Are Blooming On Cape Cod.

The unique Water-Willow is an 3-9 foot aquatic shrub with 1/2 to 1 inch magenta flowers that blooms in July and August. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

I’ve seen them growing in the shallow waters on the Red Maple Swamp Trail at Fort Hill, the Silver Spring Trail at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary in Wellfleet  or at Wiley Park by the bridge. It is really cool to see how they grow in clusters along the main stem.

Have you seen any Water-Willows this summer? #eastham #wellfleet


Love These Two Green Herons On Cape Cod.

These 2 Green Herons were so much fun to watch the other morning. It looks like a mother and a young one. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

The larger one would walk along the rail and the little one would follow along. At one point, it looked like they were fighting as the parent tried to get away.

The last photograph almost looks like the parent is reprimanding the little one. So much fun to watch… and then they both flew away!


Mac’s On The Pier On Cape Cod… In Color Or Black And White?

We took a couple of photographs of Mac’s on the Pier in Wellfleet the other morning. It was such a pretty morning. The sky was beautiful! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

But, we can’t decide if we like the color one or the black and white one better. What do you think?


First Bath For This Norther Flicker On Cape Cod?

Two young Flickers landed on our bird bath a couple of weeks ago. They would hop around the outside and then take a little drink. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

And then, one of them decided to try and take a bath. It was just adorable watching him very carefully get in the water and then splash around.

I love watching the baby birds here on the Cape and all their “firsts.” It doesn’t get much cuter!