Tag Archives: Nauset Marsh

Snowy Hike On The Nauset Marsh Trail On Cape Cod.

It was such a treat to wake up to snow the other morning. With temps in the 30s, it was a perfect day for a nice hike. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

There’s nothing like a quiet walk in the woods on a snowy morning.

The Other Boardwalk To Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

If you’re walking to Coast Guard Beach, there’s another little “off-trail” you can take which gives you beautiful views of Nauset Marsh and the back of Coast Guard Station. There is a very pretty little boardwalk (before you get to “the” boardwalk) that you hike across that is adorned with very pretty, bright red Winterberries in the fall and winter.

You can see the trail where the X is on the AllTrails map. Have you ever hiked this little boardwalk?