The view overlooking Marconi Beach from the top of the dunes is always spectacular! It doesn’t get much prettier…
Tag Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore
Nauset Light Beach On Cape Cod Is Always Stunning!
The Red Maple Swamp Trail At Fort Hill On Cape Cod Is Very Swampy!
Beautiful KiIldeer At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.
I have only seen a Killdeer a couple of times on Cape Cod and not in the past couple of years. And then the other morning, there were two Killdeer foraging in the grass at Fort Hill. What treat!
We used to see so many Killdeer when we lived in Connecticut. Two of them would annually nest on the median in the parking lot of the school where I taught. They would scurry around between all of the cars but they loved that grassy median.
The Killdeer gets its name from its shrill, two-syllable call, which is often heard, “Kill-deer! Kill-deer!” They are quite identifiable by the patches of white and black on the head, and two black bands across the breast.
Have you ever seen a Killdeer? What a beautiful bird!