Tag Archives: Rock Harbor

Mystery Bird At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod!

We were at Rock Harbor yesterday photographing some of the seabirds that frequent the area. When I took this photograph, I thought it was a Bufflehead… until I enlarged it on by camera. Hmmm… it did not have the markings of a Bufflehead, and why was its eye golden when Buffleheads have black eyes?

Phil and I thought maybe it was a hybrid between a Bufflehead and a Golden Eye, but we didn’t know if birds could be hybrids. We were driving by The Bird Watcher’s General Store later in the afternoon, so I stopped in to ask Mike, the owner, what it was. I was sure that I had a new species! He said it was a hybrid and has been spotted at Rock Harbor for the past 3 winters. Mystery solved…

Pretty cool, don’t you think? Have you seen it at Rock Harbor?

What Could They Possibly Be Building In Rock Harbor On Cape Cod?

We’ve been watching the huge cranes working at Rock Harbor for a couple of weeks now. I thought they were putting in new pilings for a new dock. But, little by little, they put these huge metal pilings around the whole boat ramp on the Eastham side. (Click on blog link for other photo.) Help! How would we launch our kayaks this summer if they got rid of the ramp?

We drove over to the Eastham side and asked one of the workers what they were doing. He explained that they had to put these huge metal pilings all around the boat ramp so they could pump the water out of the area so they could build a new ramp. Amazing!

I had no idea that’s how they built a new ramp going into the water, did you?

(The photos look different because I took one on Sunday when it was cloudy and the other on Monday, when the crane was operating.)


Stormy Cape Cod Bay At Rock Harbor Yesterday!

We woke up yesterday morning to the howling of the wind and some rain on the windows. I thought to myself, “I bet Cape Cod Bay is cranking!” So we took a drive over to Rock Harbor and I got this photograph. The wind and the waves were unbelievable! It’s not often we get such whitecaps on the bayside.

Just beautiful, don’t you think? Love the Seagull flying above.