Tag Archives: Boat Meadow

Gorgeous Sunset At Boat Meadow Last Night On Cape Cod

The sunset last night here on Cape Cod was spectacular! I saw the sky start changing color so I jumped in my car and headed over toward Boat Meadow Beach. But I stopped on side of the road over the salt marsh thinking this was just gorgeous.

Maybe the calm before the storm? We ‘re supposed to get our 3rd Nor’easter in 2 weeks on Tuesday night into Wednesday… ugh!

We are so ready for spring! What do you think?

Beautiful Red-Breasted Mergansers At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod

I saw my first Red-Breasted Mergansers the other day at Boat Meadow Beach, before the big storm. What a gorgeous bird! They were feeding in the little pond that comes out at high tide on the salt marsh. I had never seen one before.

Red-Breasted Mergansers are a medium-sized diving ducks with black upper parts, gray sides, rust-brown breast, white belly, green head, double crests and a white neck ring. Their long thin bill, legs and feet are bright orange. The female has much duller colors.

The Red-Breasted Mergansers were so interesting to watch as they feed. They would swim along with their heads in the water, almost like a shovel,  as you can see in the 3rd photograph. Or they would dive under water for food. It was very cool to watch!

Have you ever seen a Red-Breasted Merganser? Gorgeous bird, don’t you think?

Black And White Brants On Cape Cod Bay

There were about 30 Brants at Boat Meadow on Cape Cod Bay the other day. It’s the most I’ve ever seen together. I stopped and took some photographs, but couldn’t get more than 2 in each frame.

Brants have a black head and neck with a white collar, grey underparts and white on their tails. They are about the same size as a Canada  Goose. They are common in this area in the winter.

On my way back from my walk to Rock Harbor about 1/2 hour later, they were all gone. Wonder where they went?

Red-Tailed Hawk Finding Prey At The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod

As we were driving along the salt marsh the other day, I noticed this Red-Tailed Hawk in the grass. I usually see the Red-tailed Hawk sitting  in a  tree or flying, but rarely on the ground. We pulled over to see what he was doing.

He was obviously enjoying his fresh-caught meal, of what I do not know. There were a lot of seabirds nearby in the river. Maybe a little rodent nearby?

I liked the 2nd photograph as he looks like he is taking a little break from “lunch.” He was pretty far out on the marsh, so no other predators were nearby.

Gorgeous Skies Over Rock Harbor On Cape Cod Bay

One of my favorite things to do is to take a walk to the beach at low tide, especially to a beach on Cape Cod Bay. It is always so gorgeous and you can walk out on the flats for miles.

It was low tide about 3:00 pm the other day and a perfect day for a walk. When I got to Boat Meadow Beach the clouds were just beautiful. And then I could see the huge rock by Rock Harbor with the sun shining through the clouds above it.

Pretty spectacular, don’t you think? I love how the sun and clouds are reflected in the tidal pool with the rippled sand from the flats in the foreground.