The skies yesterday morning were just spectacular in shades of pinks and oranges. We quickly took a ride to the salt marsh to see if we could get a good photograph of the sun coming up on our way to the gym. The colors were gorgeous! I loved the orange reflection on Boat Meadow river.
After the rains last weekend, I could finally take a walk to Boat Meadow Beach on Cape Cod Bay and walk a little bit, between the ice chunks, on the beach.
As I looked out on the water, I saw these Seagulls all on top of the ice on Cape Cod Bay. They must have been looking for a place to rest so they picked this big iceberg! It just struck me as a photo that should have polar bears, not seagulls!
We were so surprised when we took a drive to Boat Meadow Beach yesterday and saw the huge icebergs all along the shore. They dwarf the benches on the beach.
In the 2nd photograph you can see the huge ice chunks along the side of the road. The salt marsh had flooded over the entire road into people’s driveways and the plows had to come break up the ice in the road.
While everyone else in New England got heavy snow yesterday, we got rain and lots of it, with heavy, heavy winds. With the ground frozen from the frigid temps the past couple of weeks, the water has no place to go, so the puddles on the streets were easily 12″ deep and more.
Bridge Road, near our home, was flooded. The salt marsh was washing right over the road from Cape Cod Bay inland. I have never seen it like this. Bridge Road was closed and the red cones were up so no one would try to venture across and get swept out to sea!
We were so surprised to see how high the tide was on the salt marsh by Boat Meadow Beach yesterday. It almost looked as if the river through the marsh was so frozen that the waters from high tide went up on the marsh. It looked like the ocean just came ashore.
It’s been really frigid here the past week. Yesterday was only in the low teens with a wind chill below zero. Brrr…
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.