Tag Archives: Boat Meadow

Snowy Beaches Here On Cape Cod Bay

I was so surprised to see all the snow and ice on the beaches on Cape Cod Bay this week. It certainly is a different scene than a week ago when I was biking in my shorts!

This is Boat Meadow Beach in Eastham yesterday afternoon. It was pretty frigid out there! There sure was a lot of snow on the beach!

Waiting patiently for spring… Hopefully it is right around the corner!


A Cold Winter Day At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod Bay

What a difference a few days makes on Cape Cod. Last weekend I was biking in my shorts and today it is in the lower 20s. Brrr. It is supposed to warm up again this coming week. Hopefully to stay!

I took a walk down to Boat Meadow Beach yesterday just to see the beach and take a little walk. It was cold and windy but the beach was spectacular!

What do you think?



Glorious Day For A Bike Ride On Cape Cod!

From the blizzard last week to 62 degrees yesterday… Wow! The snow is almost all gone and it feels like spring!

So, I got my bike out and took my first bike ride of the season! It was awesome! I have never biked in February and I even wore shorts! How cool is that?

This is my “selfie” at Boat Meadow Beach on Cape Cod Bay.. My arm isn’t quite long enough, but you can get the picture. 🙂