Tag Archives: Boat Meadow

Rare, Thick-Billed Murre At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod

Phil and I were enjoying a glorious day at Boat Meadow after the snowstorm last week when I saw this duck out of the corner of my eye. It was swimming close to shore and didn’t look very familiar. I had my camera so I clicked away.

I checked my Sibley when I got home but all I came up with was a Thick -Billed Murre which is rare around here, especially on the bayside.

I waited until our friend, who is an astute birder,  returned from his vacation and showed him my photograph. Yes, it was a Thick-Billed Murre and he was most jealous! He has never seen one .

How cool is that?!

Spectacular Sun At Boat Meadow In Eastham On Cape Cod

Phil and I took a long walk at Boat Meadow the other day when the weather was warm and glorious. The sun and the sky were so pretty. We both clicked away.

We both used our camera app and this is what we came up with. Same time, same photograph, standing in the same place… different perspective.

What do you think?? Cool?

It’s Almost Picnic Time At Boat Meadow On Cape Cod

It was a glorious day at Boat Meadow in Eastham on Cape Cod! The temperatures were in the 50s and the sun was shining brightly. Perfect day for a walk on the beach  at low tide when you can walk out for miles.

And… it’s almost time for a picnic on the beach. The benches are empty now, but not for long!

I can’t wait!

Little Sanderling At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod Bay

This little Sanderling was all by itself at Boat Meadow Beach on Cape Cod Bay. I don’t usually see them alone.

I wonder if the others were hiding out in the tall grasses because it sure was a cold, windy winter day!

Cute little guy, don’t you think?

Boat Meadow Creek In Eastham On Cape Cod At High Tide

The tide at Boat Meadow Creek in Eastham was exceptionally high a few days ago. Usually Boat Meadow Creek is a little creek that meanders through the salt marsh. At high tide, sometimes the creek might go over its banks a bit.

This day was exceptionally high with the entire salt marsh looking like a continuation of Cape Cod Bay.

Pretty, don’t you think?