Tag Archives: Nauset Marsh

Glorious Day For A Bike Ride To Coast Guard Beach, Nauset Light And Nauset Light Beach On Cape Cod

Wednesday was a glorious day for a bike ride… anywhere on Cape Cod. It was sunny, breezy and beautiful with temperatures in the mid-sixties. Just perfect for a bike ride.

I got on the Cape Cod Bike Trail and headed out to Coast Guard Beach. I think it’s one of the prettiest rides around here. It was so nice that I continued out to Nauset Light Beach and Nauset Light. You couldn’t ask for a better day and I wondered when the next time I could do this would be with the colder weather coming.

So, this is my “selfie” at Coast Guard Beach with Nauset Marsh and the ocean in the background.

Beautiful Walk Along Nauset Marsh At Hemenway Landing On Cape Cod

There is such a pretty walk along Nauset Marsh at Hemenway Landing in Eastham on Cape Cod. I walked out the other day and could see all the people clamming at low tide. They didn’t even need a boat, just a rake and a bucket.

There are so many different trails to hike along Nauset Marsh. Have you ever taken one?


Nauset Marsh Clouds On Cape Cod Were Gorgeous!


It was a glorious day to take a hike along Nauset Marsh in Eastham on Cape Cod. As you walk over the bridge there is a little creek on the left where we usually see a Great Blue Heron. In the distance is Coast Guard Beach, one the the Top 10 beaches in the USA! It is spectacular!

Canoe Or Kayak From Hemenway Landing On Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod

There were lots of canoes and kayaks in the water and  on land at Hemenway Landing in Eastham on Cape Cod. What a great place to launch your canoe or kayak and paddle out to Nauset Spit. It doesn’t get much prettier!

But be careful of the tides and the channel markers so you don’t get stuck in the mud at low tide!

Marsh Trail At Fort Hill In Eastham On Cape Cod

One of my favorite trails at Fort Hill is the trail that goes right down to the marsh. It is so pretty. You can see the birds and the boats and people clamming at low tide. You can even see Coast Guard Station in the background.

Pretty view, don’t you think?