Tag Archives: Boat Meadow

Gorgeous Clouds At Boat Meadow In Eastham On Cape Cod Bay

It’s been so warm lately I seem to be taking a walk after dinner… and I usually end up at Boat Meadow on Cape Cod Bay. I can’t think of a place I’d rather be. It’s always so gorgeous!  Each time is unique unto itself with high tide or low tide or changing tide, sunny or cloudy, windy or calm, etc.

This evening was just gorgeous as the tides were going out and the clouds in the sky were spectacular!

Laughing Gulls At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod

I was taking a walk on the beach at Boat Meadow when I heard these laughing Gulls squawking at each other. It sounded as though they were laughing at each other back and forth. I watched (and listened) to them for a bit until a Crow flew in and started squawking along with them It was hilarious!

The Laughing Gulls flew away!

Lots Of Greater Yellowlegs At Boat Meadow In Eastham On Cape Cod

One of my favorite walks at my new home here in Eastham on Cape Cod is across the bridge at Boat Meadow Marsh. It is just spectacular. There is always something new to see.

I heard some birds calling and looked over as they all landed on the marsh. It wasn’t until I looked at my photographs later that I realized they were a flock of Greater Yellowlegs. I have never seen more than 2 of them together, so this was really special, even though they were pretty far away.