White Cedar Swamp Trail in Wellfleet is the perfect hike for the fall with all of the changing colors. This was a beautiful day, sunny and windy. It’s a fairly easy hike with the trail down to the swamp, a boardwalk over the swamp and then an old road back to the trailhead.
So pretty, don’t you think? Have you ever hiked the White Cedar Swamp Trail? It’s perfect for the whole family. Kids love it!
The Common Tansy wildflower is one of the last ones to bloom in late summer or early fall. I saw this one a few weeks ago by the lower parking lot at Fort Hill. It is such a delicate, little wildflower in a vibrant yellow.
Love the button-like flowers. Have you ever seen a Common Tansy?
One of our favorite walks is from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach. Each time you go, it is so different. You can see that fall is here with the marsh grasses turning a yellowy brown.
So pretty, don’t you think? Have you ever walked over this bridge?
I love the little Sanderlings as they scurry about looking for food on Coast Guard Beach. These three were dodging the waves to find something to eat. Sanderlings are here on the Cape all year round, so you can frequently see them on the beaches or flying above.
Have you ever seen a Sanderling? Beautiful little shore bird…
I love Nauset Marsh Trail which winds around the Salt Pond by the Visitors Center in Eastham and out to Nauset Marsh. It is so different each time you hike it. It is particularly pretty this time of year with its fall colors and late-flowering bushes.
Pretty, don’t you think? Love those clouds!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.