Japanese Honeysuckle Wildflowers On Cape Cod.

I have seen many wild Japanese Honeysuckle wildflowers blooming on Cape Cod this past summer… and even into the fall. They are a climbing vine with delicate, fragrant, white flowers that grow in pairs, turning yellow with age.

Another invasive plant, the Japanese Honeysuckle can smother out other plants.


Beautiful Damselfly On My Butterfly Weed Plant On Cape Cod

We’ve had quite a few of these Damselflies hanging around our Butterfly Weed plants in the past few weeks. They have a little orange on their tails.

I’ve looked in my books and searched the internet but I can’t seem to identify it. Does anyone know what kind of damselfly it is?


Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.