House Sparrow Feeding Its Chick At Our Feeder On Cape Cod.

We were so surprised to see this House Sparrow feeding its young at our bird feeder the other evening. It seemed so late in the season to see little chicks. The baby was adorable and almost as big as the parent! (Click on blog link to see other photos.)

So cute to watch. What do you think?

Queen Anne’s Lace Is Blooming All Over Cape Cod!

I love the Queen Anne’s Lace wildflowers that are blooming everywhere on Cape Cod. They are such a pretty, delicate wildflower that looks just like a piece of lace. (Click on blog link to see additional photos.)

They are so interesting to watch as they bloom and then go by. They start out looking like a beautiful piece of lace. As they mature, they start folding up as you can see in the 2nd photograph.

They will fold all the way up (photo 3), dry out and release their seeds (photo 4).

It is quite amazing, don’t you think?

Interesting Red Dragonfly On The Trail On Cape Cod.

There seem to be a lot of dragonflies flying about this time of year. We’ve seen so many of them on the trails. I saw this red one on the Buttonbush Trail by the Visitor Center in Eastham down by the swamp.

Does anyone know what kind of dragonfly this is? I need to find a good book on dragonflies!

Look at his face! How cute!


Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod Was Spectacular!

It was a gorgeous day on Coast Guard Beach, part of the National Seashore. We especially like to walk the beach at low tide when you can see all of the birds out on the sandbars.

So pretty, don’t you think? Love those clouds!

Box Turtle #6 Hatched In Our Yard Today On Cape Cod!

I called Bill Allan, our local turtle expert,  this morning to tell him that we had 5 Box Turtles that hatched in our yard from Thursday to Saturday. He was very excited. He suggested that we dig down a bit very gently and see what the nest looked like… whether the egg remnants were still there or perhaps another egg that wasn’t going to hatch. Were we surprised!

I dug down very carefully and there was another little baby turtle trying to dig its way out! Wow!! This is Number 6 and I think the last. We did see some of the eggs remnants that had hatched and that was pretty cool.

Two things that I learned from this awesome experience: 1. Sometimes it takes days for them to all hatch. Ours took 5 days. They do not all hatch on the same day. 2. They are the cutest, most precious little things I’ve seen in a  long, long while.

Bon Voyage, little ones, I hope we see you around our yard in the future! What an unbelievable experience!


Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.