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I called Bill Allan, our local turtle expert, this morning to tell him that we had 5 Box Turtles that hatched in our yard from Thursday to Saturday. He was very excited. He suggested that we dig down a bit very gently and see what the nest looked like… whether the egg remnants were still there or perhaps another egg that wasn’t going to hatch. Were we surprised!

I dug down very carefully and there was another little baby turtle trying to dig its way out! Wow!! This is Number 6 and I think the last. We did see some of the eggs remnants that had hatched and that was pretty cool.
Two things that I learned from this awesome experience: 1. Sometimes it takes days for them to all hatch. Ours took 5 days. They do not all hatch on the same day. 2. They are the cutest, most precious little things I’ve seen in a long, long while.
Bon Voyage, little ones, I hope we see you around our yard in the future! What an unbelievable experience!