Pretty Yellow Celandine Wildflower On Cape Cod.

Celandine is a leafy plant with hairy stems and tiny, deep yellow 4-petaled flowers in loose clusters. The flowers are only 3/4″ while the plants grows from 1-3 feet from May through July. I saw many of these wildflowers on the trail by the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham in late August!

So delicate and pretty, don’ t you think?



Red Admiral Butterfly High In The Tree On Cape Cod.

I was taking a hike the other day when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It landed high on the branch above me. I clicked away and this is what I got. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It is a Red Admiral butterfly and very pretty, but way high up in the tree. I didn’t know that they landed so high up; I thought they would prefer a flower.


Fort Hill Was Just Beautiful On Cape Cod!

It was a gorgeous, windy day at Fort Hill and the clouds were spectacular! I took a nice long hike and didn’t get many photographs as it was so windy… until I got to the top parking lot and started walking back down to my car.

This is what I saw… it doesn’t get much prettier, do you think? Have you been to Fort Hill lately?


Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.