The Monarch butterfly is gorgeous wherever you see it. This particular one landed on this purple flower in our yard. I clicked away and realized afterward that I had 3 different poses of the Monarch. (Click on blog link to see other 2 photos.)
I only got one photograph of this Hummingbird feeding on my Bee Balm wildflowers. When I put it on the computer I thought it would be fun to play around with it a bit to try to make it a little “artsy.”
I love seeing all of the new wildflowers during the summer on Cape Cod. This yellow Wood Sorrel was so pretty. I saw it at Fort Hill along the trails and down by Hemenway Landing.
Love the orange dots in the center. So pretty, don’t you think?
If you want to see butterflies and dragonflies, go to Beech Forest Trail in Provincetown. They are everywhere! I saw this beautiful yellow Tiger Swallowtail in a bush near the marsh. It was just close enough to get a decent photograph.
The Tiger Swallowtails are a large butterfly with a wingspan of 3-5.5″. They are overall yellow with black stripes and tails. They live on woodland edges, meadows and parks east of the Rockies.
Have you ever seen a Tiger Swallowtail? So pretty!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.