Scarlet Pimpernel Wildflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod!

Fort Hill is always one of my favorite places to take a hike… it is ever changing daily. You never know what you are going to see. (Click on blog link to see other photos.)

Phil and I were just finishing a hike when I saw this tiny red-orange flower on the side of the road. It was a really tiny flower, only 1/4,” with 5 petals and a central purple circle. The plant only grows 2-6 tall inches so it is difficult to see in the grass.  I took a few photographs and went home to do some research. It is a Scarlet Pimpernel.

I wasn’t happy with my photographs as they were a bit blurry so I debated whether to go back and try again or wait until the next time I was there. Good thing I decided to go back that same afternoon as the next morning they had all been mowed down.

So pretty, don’t you think? They bloom from June to September so, if they grow back again,  you will have plenty of time to see it.



Love This Snowy Egret At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod.

I loved this photograph and reflection of a Snowy Egret at Goose Pond at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. He had just caught a fish and his bill was still wide open.

Pretty cool, don’t you think? Love the yellow around his eye…

Guess Who Was In Our Bird Bath On Cape Cod?

There is never a dull moment in our yard on Cape Cod! We awoke early the other morning and saw a little commotion out by our bird bath. Quietly we looked out the window and there were 3 baby raccoons in the bird bath with mom and dad standing nearby.  (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

It really was adorable! What do you think?

Exquisite Buckeye Butterfly At Fort Hill On Cape Cod… A First For Me!

I had never seen a Buckeye butterfly before, so it came as quite a surprise to see one on the trail at Fort Hill yesterday. I had no idea what it was… only that it was just beautiful! Those colors and those spots! What could it be? (Click on blog link to see other photos.)

I posted 3 different photographs: 1. The upper side of the Buckeye which is very colorful. 2. The wings are partially  closed. 3. The wings are mostly closed. How different it looks when its wings are closed. It just blends in. It seemed to like being right on the gravel trail.

The Buckeye lives year-round in the southern United States but ventures up to New England for the summer. It has a wing span of 2- 2.5″. It is brown with 2 orange bars on its forewings and 2 different sized eyespots on each wing. It lives in open fields and meadows.

Have you ever seen a Buckeye butterfly? Those colors and patterns are gorgeous!

Pretty Blue-Eyed Grass In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

The Blue-Eyed Grass in our yard is so pretty. I took this photograph right after it rained. I loved the water droplets on it.

Blue-eyed Grass is a grass like plant with one blue/ purple flower per stem. These 1/2′ to 3/4″ flowers have 6 pointed petals and yellow centers. The plant grows from 4-24″ in May and June.

I remember seeing Blue-eyed Grass in Colorado. It was such a treat to see it here on the Cape too. Have you ever seen Blue-eyed Grass?



Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.